Thinglink...heard of it? Apparently it's been around awhile and I am just now finding out about it. This is another great tool which will be placed in my "go to" toolbox for transforming teaching and learning in the classroom. A thinglink is and interactive image tagged with Weblinks, audio, video, images or text. I created a super basic thinglink below to share with my staff at our "Tech Talk" tomorrow morning. Of course...after I came up with the idea to create a thinglink about thinglink I then came across others already created - should have known!! You can find a slew of thinglinks created for all age groups and subjects by browsing their
site. This tool can be used to pre-teach, teach or assess. Who needs a textbook when a teacher can create a thinglink filled with handpicked, relevant resources/information that meets their students needs. Howard Gardner would be proud - think of all the modes of learning that can be met with this one tool.
If you haven't heard of thinglink then hop and board and try it for yourself. I would list all of the different ways that it can be used, but honestly the ways are endless. If you need a little inspiration search thinglinks, think about your objectives and plan how you can use this to create a more student-centered classroom.